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Submitted by Guy Vigneault on



Erlang is a general-purpose, concurrent, and fault-tolerant programming language designed for building scalable and fault-tolerant distributed systems. Developed by Ericsson in the late 1980s, Erlang was initially used for telecommunication applications, but it has since found applications in various domains, including messaging systems, real-time systems, and web development.

Erlang is built around the concept of lightweight processes, known as "actors," which communicate with each other through message passing. These processes are isolated and lightweight, allowing Erlang systems to support hundreds of thousands or even millions of concurrent processes running on a single machine. Erlang's actor model provides a simple and powerful concurrency model that is inherently scalable and fault-tolerant.

One of the key features of Erlang is its built-in support for fault tolerance and error recovery. Erlang systems are designed to handle errors gracefully, with mechanisms such as supervision trees, error isolation, and hot code reloading. This allows Erlang systems to recover from failures quickly and continue operating even in the presence of faults.

Erlang is dynamically typed, meaning that variable types are determined at runtime, which provides flexibility but can also lead to runtime errors if not handled properly. Erlang also provides pattern matching and immutable data structures, which are essential for writing concise and expressive code.

Erlang has a built-in distribution mechanism that allows Erlang nodes to communicate with each other over a network, making it easy to build distributed systems with Erlang. Erlang's distribution mechanism provides features such as transparent message passing, location transparency, and automatic load balancing, simplifying the development of distributed applications.

Erlang has a rich standard library with modules for common tasks such as I/O, concurrency, networking, and data manipulation. Additionally, Erlang has a vibrant community of developers who contribute to its development, create libraries and tools, and provide support and resources for learning.


  1. Concurrency and Fault Tolerance: Erlang provides built-in support for concurrency and fault tolerance through lightweight processes (actors), message passing, and supervision trees. This allows Erlang systems to handle large numbers of concurrent connections and recover from failures gracefully.
  2. Scalability: Erlang's actor model and built-in distribution mechanism make it inherently scalable, allowing Erlang systems to scale horizontally by adding more nodes or vertically by utilizing multiple cores. Erlang's transparent message passing and location transparency simplify the development of distributed applications.
  3. Fault Tolerance: Erlang systems are designed to handle errors gracefully, with mechanisms such as supervision trees, error isolation, and hot code reloading. This allows Erlang systems to recover from failures quickly and continue operating even in the presence of faults.
  4. Dynamic Typing and Pattern Matching: Erlang is dynamically typed, allowing developers to write code without explicitly specifying variable types. Erlang also provides pattern matching, which simplifies code by allowing developers to match and destructure complex data structures easily.
  5. Distribution and Networking: Erlang has a built-in distribution mechanism that allows Erlang nodes to communicate with each other over a network. This simplifies the development of distributed systems by providing transparent message passing, location transparency, and automatic load balancing.


  1. Learning Curve: Erlang's concurrency model and functional programming paradigm may have a learning curve for developers who are new to the language or ecosystem. Developers may need time to become familiar with Erlang's concepts, such as lightweight processes, message passing, and pattern matching.
  2. Tooling: While Erlang has good tooling support, including the Erlang/OTP platform, IDE plugins, and debugging tools, it may not be as mature or feature-rich as tooling for more mainstream languages. Developers may encounter limitations or bugs in IDE support, code formatting, and debugging tools.
  3. Adoption: While Erlang has gained significant adoption, especially in the telecommunications industry and in certain domains such as messaging systems and real-time systems, its adoption may be limited compared to more mainstream languages such as Java or Python. Developers may encounter challenges when finding Erlang-specific resources, tutorials, or community support.
  4. Performance Overhead: While Erlang provides excellent performance for many use cases, especially in concurrent and distributed systems, it may have a performance overhead compared to languages like C or Java. This overhead is mainly due to Erlang's dynamic typing, garbage collection, and runtime system.
  5. Interoperability: While Erlang can interoperate with other languages through various mechanisms such as ports, sockets, and interoperability libraries, it may have limited interoperability compared to languages with more established ecosystems. Developers may need to write additional glue code or use specialized tools for integrating Erlang with other systems.

In summary, Erlang is a powerful and expressive programming language with advantages such as concurrency, fault tolerance, scalability, dynamic typing, and distribution. However, developers should consider factors such as the learning curve, tooling, adoption, performance overhead, and interoperability when choosing Erlang for their projects.